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7 dic 2013

Reseñas de discos para Diario de un Metalhead

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208. Absalem - Chaosevolution

207. Nomera - Holos

206. Get In Tribal - III

205. Fozzy - Judas

204. Malinche - Nuevo Orden Vol. 1

203. Killiki - Killiki Ep 

202.  Da Vinci - Ambitions Rocks

201 - Steelheart - Through worlds of stardust

200. Incursed - Amalur

199. Irkaia - Irkaia 

198. The Haunted - Strength in numbers

197. Perpetual Night - Between light and darkness

196.  Wicked Inc - Ready To Fight 

195. Eskimo Callboy - The Scene

194. The Five Hundred - The veil 

193.  Demotional - Discovery

192. Eli Van Pike - Welcome to my dark side

191. Lampr3a - Neurocoalescence

190. Incursed - The slavic covenant

189. Sorrow Plagues - Homecoming

188.  Deez Nuts - Binge & Purgatory

187.  Cry Excess - Vision 

186. Vitja - Digital Love

185.  Soulspirya - Mankind 

184. Silvis Vetus - Wonderland Pit

183. Next Step - Legacy

182. Second Silence - Prosperidad 

181. Vortex - Architect of misfortune

180. Nero Argento - One against all

179. Insurrection - Decadence

178. Animal Project - Primate

177. Tears in Rain - Ideometry

176. Brothers till we die - The thin line between death and immortality

175. Somas Cure - Éter

174. Ébola DP - Khrom 

173. Close to the Sky - The distant view

172. Between the lines - The Shelter EP 

171. Skunk DF - Pigmaleón

170. The Silverblack - The Silverblack 

169. Tongues - Tongues EP



168. Aphonnic - Indomables 

167. Pretty Maids - Pretty Maids

166. Violent Eve - A great day

165. Hardline - Human Nature

164. Fostioner - Chandal Defenders 

163. Nocheterna - Epsilon 

162. Blinded for lies - Unity

161. Kathew - El árbol del ahorcado

160. Mindscar - What's beyond the light 

159. Dawn of the Maya - Colossal 

158. Zerobyte - IX Degrees of human decline

157. Morphium - The Blackout

156. Get In Tribal - Hombre o máquina

155. Fearth - The Purge

154. Goddamn - More Human Than Us

153. Lacuna Coil - Delirium 

152. Malkeada - Cumulonimbo

151. Cendra - Metal Punk 

150. Slamming Thru - Things to come

149. The Defiants - The Defiants

148. My dear addiction - Kill the silence

147. Meltdown - I refuse to die here EP

146. The Great Wound - Voices of regret

145. Insaniam - Neurotic Mental Disorder

144. Burning Paradise - Mental Disorder

143. Heresy of dreams - Ante la bestia

142. New Years Day - Malevolance

141. Once Was Never - Lighthouse in the abyss

140. Nekez - Lokatzetako Igela

139. Angel Seed - Crymson Dyed Abyss

138. Enthring - The art of chaos

137. Ignite - A war against you

136. In twilight`s embrace - The grim muse 

135. Raze - Mankinds Heritage

134. Black Tide - Chasing Shadows

133. Hearthsides - Live & Learn

132. Bolu2 Death - Dualitas



85. Morgana VS Morgana - II En el nimbo

86. Witchfyre -  Banshee/The Spell 

87. Memest - Bastards and liars

88.  Warg - Back from the shadows

89. Dysnomia - Dysnomia

90. Ad Hoc - Génesis

91. Cementerio - Luna Hiena

92. Marasme - De Llums i Ombres

93. Hang the bastard - Sex in the seventh circle

94. Sparzanza - Circle

95. Brothers till we die - We will never grow up

96. Deathsurrection - Embrace the fate EP

97. Bullets of misery - Summum Post Mortem

98. Ghost Trip - Carnation EP

99. World to come - New world disorder

100. Somas Cure - Mitos

101. Periphery - Juggernaut Alpha & Omega 

102. Mistweaver - Nocturnal Bloodshed

103. DROP! - Ez gaituzte aldatuko

104. Psychosound - Internal Clock

105.  Retrace the lines - Handmade Crown

106. Corpore - She came like a hurricane

107. The great destroyer X - Common Ideas

108. Heart In Hand - A beautiful White

109. Quassar - Alienation

110. Bide Bakarra - Dictaminar, dinamizar, dinamitar 

111. My Hollow - On borrowed Time

112. Ultimate Holocaust - Blackmail the nation

113. Rosy Finch - Witchboro

114. Smash Hit Combo - Playmore

115. Destiny Potato - Lun

116. Chaos Before Gea - Kharon

117. Terror - The 25th hour

118. On Top - Topless

119. O.D.I.O - The mourner

120. New Years Day - Epidemic 

121. Brothers till we die - Blood. Death. Suffering. Pain

122. Zoax - Is everybody listening?

123. Viva Belgrado - Flores, carne

124. Raum Kingdom - Raum Kingdom

125. Blind Sight - Useful Mistakes

126. The SilverBlack - The Grand Turmiol

127. Soulspirya - Stay Human

128. Teksuo - A new way to bleed

129. Heart of a coward - Deliverance

130. Siroll - Mes Llenya

131. The Bones - Flash The Leather



30. Skydancer - Land of the grim

31. Somas Cure - Equilibrium

32. Dawn of the Maya - The truth is in front of you

33. Cryptopsy - The best of us bleed

34. Artema - El pacto

35. The blinded - Essence of time

36. Brutal Slaughter - Humani Decrementi

37. Abortos de Satán - Con el fracaso tan asumido

38. Caliban - Ghost Empire

39. Los Lügers - Lucifer 

40. Semper - Alter Ego

41. Mortsubite - Black Nécora

42. Vendetta Fucking Metal - De por vida

43. Frequency - The flow

44. Inner Xpose - Panoramic Horizon

45. Far N Hate - Steadfast

46. The new roses - Without a trace

47. Teksuo - Diamonds EP 

48. Devil´s Train - Devil´s Train 

49. Lacuna Coil - Broken Crown Halo

50. The meteors - Doing the lord´s work

51. Suicide Silence - Ending is the beginning

52. Divino Disturbo - Op I

53. Eternal Storm - From ashes

54. Lauma Kuun - Lauma Kuun EP

55. Denial Silence - Denial Silence

56. Últimos Ritos - Blasfemia

57. Dulcamara - El antagonista

58. Insomnium - Shadows of the dying sun

59. Darkness by oath - Seeds of desolation

60. Reek - Necrogénesis

61. Legalize Murder - The murder diaries

62. Seekinside - Amar o vivir

63. Feed the Rhino - The sorrow and the sound

64. Ingravitö - Diario de un susurro que grita

65. Akhvan - Izeshne 334

66. Fozzy - Do you wanna start a war 

67. Warpigs - So fucking wrong 

68. Violblast - Permanent Hate

69. Maybeshewill - Fair Youth

70. Teething - Ralph EP 

71. The Haunted - Exit Wounds

72. Those furious flames - Trip of deafness

73. Hardbone - This is rock and roll

74. Wis(h)key - Violent Chapter

75. Corrosive - World of lies

76. Overdry - Golem

77. Second Silence - Abyección

78. Hummano - We hate you all

79. As You Want - Initium

80. Iron Fist - Boneshaker

81. Breaking Silence - Breaking Silence

82. Insomnio Króniko - Origen

83. Sick of it all - Last act of defiance

84. Unearth - Watchers of rule



26. Unbreath - My faith against me 

27.  Beyond Description - An elegy for depletion 

28. Terror - Live by the code

29. The creepshow - Life after death


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